It's a small utility which enables Engineers to know about the extent of Non-Destructive Examination as required by Process Piping Code ASME B31.3.
Main Features:
- It specifically mentions all the requirements of all type of NDTs as per ASME B31.3 Process Piping Code.
- It takes simple inputs from the user about fluid type and service conditions.
- Transforms the inputs into the fluid category itself.
- All four type of fluid services as per ASME B31.3 have been included.
- Severe cyclic conditions and elevated temperature services have also been mentioned separately.
- It strictly specifies requirements of NDT for process piping only as per ASME B31.3 and not for pressure vessels or any other piping code.
- Detailed hints and tips have also been included. Click "more" on main window to see.
- As the code defines the minimum requirements so piping designer / owner may make them more stringent.